Monthly Case Vol.6: KINSHO Sushi, Footfall Secret Told


According to the 2021 China Food & Beverage Industry Annual Report, last year, affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the F&B industry had ushered in a major reshuffle, which also brought the development opportunities for chain restaurants and restaurant branding. In the meantime, the number of Japanese restaurants dropped a lot, up to 50% comparing to the period before the pandemic occurred. However, some Japanese stores break the curse with an amazing business growth against the trend, such as KINSHO Sushi. What is its secret?

Android POS、BIoT、Android payment device

Keywords: Android POSBIoTAndroid payment device

KINSHO Sushi, established in 2018, is a sushi restaurant brand with a particular conveyor belt to serve freshly prepared sushi. Since its opening, the restaurant is quickly recognized and welcomed by the consumers. Now, it has 6 branch stores, and each one is popular and frequently ranked among the hottest restaurants in many restaurant review apps.

Android POS、BIoT、Android payment device

Keywords: Android POSBIoTAndroid payment device

KINSHO Sushi has accumulated a lot of loyal customers for its fresh foods, comfortable environment, and high performance. However, some problems occurred also restrict the overall service capabilities of the restaurants to some extent.

To improve the operational efficiency of the stores and better serve consumers, KINSHO Sushi stores all had digital upgrade by leveraging the digital transformation solutions jointly built by SUNMI and Dingjian Technology, to promote a digital upgrade for all scenarios.

Efficiency boosted with no burden for a daily average of 500 orders

Android POS、BIoT、Android payment device

Keywords: Android POSBIoTAndroid payment device

“During peak hours, SUNMI devices really help me out. I only need to click on the screen to record and print orders, call order numbers, and arrange customers to be seated, all working smoothly!” Said a waiter in KINSHO Sushi.

KINSHO Sushi’s store covers an area of about 500㎡, but only with 6 waiters serving customers, which often results in the shortage of hands when facing multiple daily tasks like order taking, order number calling, check-out, store daily management, etc. Now, with SUNMI T2 MINI and SUNMI D2s LITE that are equipped with number taking and queue number calling systems developed by Dingjian Technology, all the problems are addressed in a proper way.

Android POS、BIoT、Android payment device

Keywords: Android POSBIoTAndroid payment device

The waiters input the information and print the queue number ticket on SUNMI T2 MINI for the customer after the customer tells him the number of diners. The large digital screen will display the queue information, and the queue number calling and real-time broadcasting will be done by SUNMI D2s LITE.

Moreover, equipped with SUNMI OS, SUNMI terminals can easily meets multiple operational needs with a powerful performance. There’s no burden for a daily reception of nearly 2,000 guests and a daily maximum queue times of more than 500 times.

Better services thank to aligned FOH and BOH processes.

“Their waiters are very thoughtful, and not overly enthusiastic. We won’t feel disturbed when chatting with our friends. If we need any help, just press the call button, very considerate!” Said one customer.

Such positive comments are commonly seen on third-party online review platforms. There are self-service ordering devices installed on the tables. Customers can order by themselves, and pick dishes they want from the conveyor belt at the same time, which not only saves the customers time and brings no disturbance, but cuts the labor costs for the store.

SUNMI D2s KDS installed with the kitchen display system developed by Dingjian Technology delivers an excellent user experience to the kitchen staff. Once an order is received, the kitchen staff can quickly finish meal preparation thanks to the smooth and quick response of the screen, which can be operated no matter with a wet hand or a gloved one. The screen is also water-proof and oil-proof.

The meal delivery carts can be smartly connected to SUNMI D2s KDS, to deliver dishes to customers. SUNMI developers provide abundant interfaces for calling cloud terminals. Nearly 800 APIs ready for being called greatly reduce the adaptation costs for the users. Thus, for KINSHO Sushi, the meal delivery carts can be instructed to deliver meals by SUNMI D2s KDS. When the cart stops at the designated position, the customers can pick the dishes by themselves. And after the dish has been served, the corresponding color of the dish on the screen will turn green, indicating that it has been served.

Android POS、BIoT、Android payment device

Keywords: Android POSBIoTAndroid payment device

The customers can put the empty plate to the plate recycling place, and once there’re five empty plates, the egg-twisting machine will be triggered to start a lucky draw. After the customers finish their meals, they can press the call button, then the waiter will come to help the customers to check out with SUNMI V2, which is equipped with a mobile check-out system developed by Dingjian Technology. The customers can get their electronic invoices just by scanning the QR codes on the receipts.

Android POS、BIoT、Android payment device

Keywords: Android POSBIoTAndroid payment device


Daily inventory clearance thanks to the digitalized supply chain

Android POS、BIoT、Android payment device

Keywords: Android POSBIoTAndroid payment device

Android POS、BIoT、Android payment device

Keywords: Android POSBIoTAndroid payment device

“We can use SUNMI mobile terminals to order food raw materials in real time. The easy-to-use PDAs allow us to efficiently place orders without any waste, which also guarantees the freshness of foods.” Said a store owner from KINSHO Sushi.

More stores also brought challenges: the costs of purchasing foods and the food security become more important. KINSHO Sushi also pays much attention to the supply chain. SUNMI M2 installed with a mobile ordering and receiving system developed by Dingjian Technology, helps digitalize the supply chain of KINSHO Sushi.

The whole process of the supply chain of KINSHO Sushi is paper-free and efficiently managed. Its suppliers can receive the purchase order on the mobile app and the delivery information will be synchronized to KINSHO Sushi immediately. In this way, KINSHO Sushi can better manage its suppliers, as well as precisely control its purchase budget.


The COVID-19 pandemic has shut down some restaurants, but also offered some restaurants a chance to stand out. The Japanese restaurants survived from the pandemic’s impacts all have outstanding qualities to learn from. Notably, the digital transformation of the F&B sector has been the general trend, and will inevitably reshape both the supply and demand sides.

Next, SUNMI and Dingjian Technology will still work together to dig deeper into the digital solutions, to continuously optimize the smart restaurant solutions, and empower more restaurants with a digital upgrade.

Keywords:SUNMIAndroid POSBIoTAndroid payment devicemPOS AndroidAndroid handheldAndroid PDAAndroid Kiosk